Soundtrack to a Financial Advisor's Life Episode 9 with Rupert Darwall

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Is the U.S. giving up some economic advantage, some leadership and stability by jettisoning carbon from the energy mix?

Most of us who live in Raleigh, NC take our energy for granted. We go about our day effortlessly, clicking on light switches, cell phones and TV’s rarely contemplating the complexities that fuel all of it. Only recently we were reminded that the wonder that is reliable energy can be scuttled by the world outside Raleigh when the Colonial Pipeline Ransomware Attack caused panic buying shortages up and down the east coast. Steady supplies of energy help companies forecast, innovate and create shareholder value. So, by extension, steady energy must be in place to fuel your retirement lifestyle and financial plans.

Olde Raleigh Financial is exploring the realities of changing the U.S. energy mix and this interview with Rupert Darwall is number two in a series on this really important topic - check out this interview with Bill O’Grady from Confluence Investments. Regardless of where one stands on their beliefs on global warming, it would seem the trend towards decarbonizing the U.S. economy and culture is gaining tracking both in corporate boardrooms and politically. Mr. Darwall is a London-based business strategy consultant and policy analyst who takes a more critical view of global warming and the costs of decarbonization.

British Experience w/Green Economy. Acceleration of British Industrialization decline? The German Greens and what they say about Europe Energy Outlook The Effects Renewables of Economics of the Grid. What will be the costs and effects of decarbonizations on a global scale? Is decarbonization a U.S./Western Europe issue and not really an issue for the rest of the world? Are we giving up our cheap energy advantage to China and the developing world by decarbonizing? Are batteries and their supply chain actually a net environmental threat and may more importantly be more disruptive to global wealth distribution and pollution than oil? What’s going on with Rare Earths?


Soundtrack to a Financial Advisor's Life Episode 10 with Sherry Riano


Soundtrack to a Financial Advisor's Life Episode 8 with Bill O’Grady